Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A change in the weather

The blistering heat has ended, but there has still been no rain to speak of. My Wisteria is looking sad and I decided it is because its roots extend under the brick patio and had been getting overheated, and very dry. So yesterday I watered the bricks. I am not sure if it has helped. It is a hardy plant and I am sure it will survive. it might just look a little ragged all year. The grape vive is going gang busters however. We will have lots of grapes. I can't keep pace with the sweet peas and the lettuce. The tomatoes are producing enough to consume daily and I have a glut of snap peas. I just wish it would rain hard and for a long time as I am getting very sick of lugging hose pipes around the garden. I am making a mental note of all the tasks to be done in the next twelve months.
1. Install a watering system.
2. Prune trees
3. Plant and Elderberry bush against the fence.
4. Dig out the Lilac and turn the front bed into a rose garden.
5. Rationalise the parking strip.

I found I do have a few apples this year. I thought I had none, but found about four on the tree the other day. The foliage is so thick it is hard to spot them.
I really do need help in managing my home and garden, I can potter around all summer doing small chores - cleaning out cupboards, gardening, washing, making things. I love the pace, but it makes life seem sisyphean.
And then there is the pile of wood in the driveway. it was gone for about 6 months, but now its back and who knows when it will be gone again as the next two weekends are full.

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